School Counseling Program

Classroom Guidance
The school counselor teaches literacy-based, multi-sensory guidance lessons to every class once per week. Topics include listening skills, feelings, bullying, anxiety and worries, career exploration, self-esteem, conflict resolution, and more. All lessons are aligned to ASCA National Standards for Students and 
ASCA Mindsets and Behaviors

Responsive Services
The school counselor conducts individual and small group counseling as needed.​ Students can be referred by teachers, parents, and students. These services can either be preventive or remedial. Consultation with parents and staff is a vital element of responsive services.

Individual Planning
​​The school counselor helps students create and monitor their own educational and career plans. This involves creating SMART goals, writing a Self-Advocacy Plan, completing a College and Career Project, ensuring all high school students meet high school diploma requirements, and ensuring all high school students meet college admission requirements.

System Support
The school counselor supports students, parents, staff, and the community while ensuring the counseling program is successful. System support includes creating and maintaining Trident Academy's Speaker Series as well as collecting and analyzing school data.

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